1. 24mm f/1.4 II,
2. 24-70mm f/2.8 zoom, or
3. 35mm f/1.4
You could tell what day of the week it was by which lens I was in love with. Oh, it's Monday ... then Glen must be oggling Jeff Ascough's 35mm wedding portfolios. Tuesday? Then Glen must be scouring through pbase searches for 24mm II shots. Or joining the 24-70mm club on Flickr, Wednesday, just to return to the 24mm on Thursday.

Then, finally, I did it. I bought the 24mm. Spent $1700!!! I got it. I mounted it. I shot it. I stared in horror. I got a hairball in my throat. I feigned a heart-attack (purely a sympathy ploy to distract my wife).
It wasn't sharp.
Suddenly I questioned every decision I had ever made in my entire life. How could I be sooooo stupid!?!! $1700!!! I KNEW I should've gotten the 35mm!! Then suddenly every portfolio I looked at was shot with the 24-70mm. How could I have been so blind!?!
That was then. Now that the panic has worn off and I've actually looked closely ... it looks fantastic! I apparently succumbed to a drama-queen moment. I've posted a couple here for you to see.
I think part of my reaction was due to the shock of moving from 85mm perspective where I have to back away from folks to 24mm where I have to touch their noses with the lens. That is quite a shock folks. Don't underestimate it.
The other cause of my delusion was the literally HAIR-THIN DoF. I thought I was used to that with my 85mm but I was never able to get so close to my subjects before.
Wishing you more patience than me ... and loving my new 24mm world! Peace,
How long without seeing your photographies, friend mine. And you delight with this wonderful autumnal image. Very good.
By the way, this detail of the guitar is simply spectacular.
Much taste in returning by its blog.
Warm greetings
Congratulations to the new lens! I know that mixed back of feelings after a huge investment quite well (to be honest, I have never invested so much in a single lens...), but I guess after only a short while you will know it's strengths and play on them as fabulously as you do on the 85mm. The lead image already looks promising!
One does go through a lot of rationalization when making a purchase of this magnitude. I honestly think one spends more time worrying about a purchase like this than a new home (I know, it's not quite the same). Two things that help:
- it will bring you immeasurable joy (a big plus these days)
- tucked away in the corner of your mind, you know you could easily sell it and recoup most of your investment.
Back to the original topic, I love the shots! Awesome!
What a wise decision! Those images are breath-taking! And you are a brave man to cough up that kind of dough for a lens. My most expensive purchase was my 85mm for $393 (a HUGE bargain) but nevertheless, I choked on that. Glad I did, but choked.
But, WOW!! You have given me the fever again. Dang it.
Angel - Thank you for your constant encouragement. You are a great gentleman! Oh ... and you clearly have good taste to appreciate a tea-burst, flame-top Les Paul :) I sit in front of the TV and rock-away on it.
Markus - Making friends with this lens will definitely stretch me. I'm glad it's not a zoom. That forces me to "see" a different way when I have it mounted. It makes me learn to compose with a 24mm perspective rather than zoom around till I find a perspective that fits where I'm standing :)
Wayne - I'm the king of rationalization and I have many knights :)
Sharon - Yes, I've committed to saving pennies until I can afford the really good stuff. I think it is worth it. I bought a bunch of cheaper lenses and was not happy. Now I only have two ... but I LOVE THEM! Peace
What a wonderful guitar, I can hear the sound! Welcome back!
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