Matt Powell comments in his blog his feeling that great wedding photographers are some of the best photographers on the planet. That resonates with me. Wedding photography is a wonderful blend of photojournalism, fine art photography and commercial photography.
First, let me add my support for the Wedding Photographer's Thirst Relief Project in Tanzania. Check it out here.
Are there already too many wedding photographers in the world? I only ask because it is on my mind to explore the possibility of becoming one. It seems like the perfect job. You get to shoot people on one of the most joyous (and dramatic) days of their lives. There is such diversity of people involved from babies to grandparents, from lovers to quarrelers, from business men to musicians. Every face tells a story. There is so much drama and so much beauty.
On the other side, I'm no pollyanna. There's also worrying about your calendar, arguing over payments, tight budgets, disagreeable parents, long car rides, McDonalds, bride-zillas, drunken grooms, Burger King .... well ... you get the picture. How do I know!? I confess. I watch shows like "Say Yes to the Dress" and "Bridezillas". Of course, I do it only to keep my wife company. Otherwise, it would be "Deadliest Catch" or "Top Gear" or "Manly War Stories of Gore and Blown Apart Limbs". Sorry, the last one is just a project idea of mine.
Maybe I'll offer to do a wedding or two for free to decide if I'm cut out for it. That way, the client will have low expectations and I'll get some initial portfolio shots. I'll not steal the business from anyone, though. I'll seek out poor young couples who couldn't otherwise afford any photographer at all. That would be a double blessing.
Even as I write this, I'm searching google for local wedding photographers to see whether this area is saturated. Will I be stepping on toes ... hope not. ;D
Coming soon - Wedding as War: The Photodocumentary Style
Love and peace,
b e a u t i f u l.....as always...
Well, I say go for it! I shot my bothers wedding and that was fun (but a lot of work). I wish I had more time, but weekends are out for me...so I guess that would throw a wrench in that career...lol.
I am going to try my hand in more family or kid portraits...we'll see what happens.
I think you would be wonderful...just looking at your photos...they have such depth.
Good luck!!!
I would totally join you in doing a wedding for free...that would be amazing !!...and like you said...no pressure really...well, okay maybe still a little !
and we watch "deadliest catch" all the time...and "ice road truckers" and "cash cab" and "dirtiest jobs"...all of which I thought only because I was sharing the TV with my son and hubby...but this summer, with both of them gone, I have found myself all alone....still watching these programs !
Thanks for sharing, as ever. Great sites, I've read also the interview.
I wish you luck in this new project as a weddings photographer. I think you'll be fantastic in this role. Once I asked a friend photographer how could I get experience in portraying people and she
advised me the same thing. It's the best school - she said.
Glen, I found this site by chance and I think it could be helpful:
Best regards,
Ice Road Truckers ... wooohooo!!! Your hubby is a lucky guy that you would watch that with him. MJ would be out of there in seconds!
Evelyn - thanks so much for the link! Christine is fantastic. I plan to study her work ... and steal ideas ... hehehe
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